Get Your Customers to Find You!!

Especially, when they are looking for your solution to their problem!!  

Become the number one choice when somebody
searches the internet for your product. 

Get started with a Discovery Call with our team!

What is UXO/SEO?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the original term referring to the technical ability of a site to be presented in Google search results, and be on the first page for organic searches (not paid ads).   

In fact, Google brought in UXO (User Experience Optimization) as the second version of the search engine rankings.  Here they track the user experience of going to your web page and use that info as well to rank the search results.  

Google wants to be the primary search engine used on the internet, as this allows them to make lots of money selling advertisements, so they want the users to get the best result so that they will keep coming back for additional searches. 

Sounds difficult? It doesn’t have to be.  

Is it complex though? Oh yes it is.   

UXO - User Experience Optimization

For Google to remain the primary search engine, they need to give searchers the best results for their search.  That way the searcher will continue to come back and use Google.

However, Google tracks the experience the user has when they send them to a resulting page, sending all of the “experience“ back to Google.  This experience is based on :

  • How long the client stayed on the page
  • How long were they engaged 
  • How much did they Scroll
  • Did they go to the bottom of the page 
  • Did they go to other pages on the website 
  • Did they click on the buttons 

And of course, the more engaged the client is with the page the higher ranking, and consequently, the higher the page will rank for the next search because the client came back to Google. 

How UXO Sets You Apart from Your Competition

The experience and engagement is based on many questions, including 

  • Did the page load quickly before they left? (most people will leave if the page takes longer to load than 3 seconds) 
  • Was the page presentable on their device? (including looking good on computers and cell phones) 
  • Was the top of the page the answer they were looking for? 
  • Was the content good and matching the search? 
  • Was the content organized and structured to provide the content to the client? 
  • Were there images or entertainment? 
  • Did the page answer their question or solve their problem? 

In our view, you should have a page on each of your major product topics. This page should result in giving the user the impression that you are indeed the expert in this field and if they were going to purchase and request help you are the obvious choice.


With the advent of UXO, SEO is not dead but becomes a subprocess under UXO.  SEO is still concerned with the following, and it all adds up to the user experience: 

  • Page load speed 
  • Meta data of Keywords 
  • Searched words in titles and content 
  • Ensuring mechanics of Google web crawlers finding and indexing the website pages 

The big difference between UXO and SEO is that UXO has a big importance on the content and design of the page as it’s very useful to the searcher, and SEO is getting the page into the running to be judged. 

SEO is so important in making internet sales that many people have tried to “Cheat“ Googles algorithms to get to the top. More precisely, using tricks like adding a bunch of keywords to cover everything, in white text on a white background so the viewer can not see the text, but Google crawlers would.  Google fixed this by ensuring there was enough contrast between the test and background so it would be seen and penalizes anyone that tries to trick them. We recommend playing by the rules that we know (as Google does not tell us what they are) and simply providing the best value to the searcher.

Why Do I Need UXO/SEO?

You need User Experience Optimization to: 

Get Your Prospects

Finding You  

Engage With Your Prospects  

Increase Your Revenue/Sales 

You have The Solution to the problem  

Avoid Wasting

Improve Customer Loyalty

Become The Trusted Expert 

Improve Customer Retention  

We had one client that sold flooring at bricks and mortar store, and one of the new customers had come in and purchased because of a Free Lead Magnet they got off the website. It was all about the different kinds of hardwood; their advantages and disadvantages, and where they should be used.  Educating the customer, helping them sort out the many choices, and being the expert in hardwood flooring led to the sale.  This also led to moving up the UXO ranking. 

Become Top Choice

We live in a digital world that requires all of us to constantly compete for our customers and recognize their needs. As a result, website and online business owners have realized the importance of ‘becoming a top choice’. On the one hand, many of them lacked the time or knowledge, so there was a natural need and space for experts to do this work. 

There are 2 major parts of your business being online.

  1. You have access to the world as your potential clients, far-reaching from that of your town or part of the city. Even if you have a local physical geographic area, you have access to all the clients that are looking for your products, when they are looking. 
  2. However, you also have all the similar providers as competition.  People will drive across town to get the right product that they know will solve their problem, from people they trust. If they do not know you exist, then you are not even looked at. 

We are UXO/SEO experts who work hard to ensure that your site(s) are optimally adapted to search engine algorithms and that they are properly positioned.  There are other search engines other than Google but for now Google is the dominant one and the others, for the most part, crawl the same information. ,

UXO/SEO is not a one-time project that is set and done.  Because of that, our approach is to partner with you and be continuously working on UXO/SEO in order for you to get better results.  Google likes to see that things are being updated. 

We are certified with Google Ads Search, meaning that we are Google Ads Specialist who in-depth have understanding of Google Ads, Data Analytics and we will translate a vision for online marketing into a coherent digital marketing strategy!

Ways We Can Help You

Below are some of the things we undertake as part of UXO/SEO:

  • Create web pages 
  • Research content for pages (you typically need to help us) 
  • Content needs to provide value to visitors 
  • Format the page for SEO 
  • Keyword placement 
  • Use many tools to help define what people are looking for, accurately 
  • Create a library of information over time so the site becomes the go to place for consumers 
  • Help set up links from other respectable sites that link to your pages 
  • Increase your “rankability” or Ranking Score
  • And many more go-to 

It is sometimes science, sometimes art, sometimes experience... and in practice, it is a combination of all three. 

Why Should You Invest In UXO/SEO?

There are many reasons, and a long list could be made, but we stuck to 8 reasons why small businesses should invest in UXO/SEO optimization. 

It is an investment

When compared to other forms of online marketing (such as Pay Per Click, email marketing, ...), UXO/SEO provides a relatively good return on investment. Paid ads can provide faster results, and help your brand significantly, but UXO/SEO should always be the foundation of your online business. And, UXO/SEO can improve your ad spend as well!!

Your competitors are working on it

Once upon a time, it was possible to expect a site to rank high without any work being done on it, however that is less and less the case. Simply put, everyone has realized what high search engine positions can potentially bring and they invest a lot of effort and time to achieve those results. Those who haven't recognized this potential… well, they're simply missing out on a big piece of the market pie., 

Search engines have a huge market share  

Currently, about 90% of consumers use the Internet to find the right business/service/store for their needs. These numbers are growing year by year, and it won't be long before the Internet will completely dominate this segment.  

You want the search engines to present you

Get customers to find you when they are looking 

Best way is to 

 to use Use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve your website's ranking in search results. By optimizing your website for relevant keywords, you can increase the chances that your site will appear at the top of search results when people search for those keywords.

You want to build a website that has a lot of value to attract customers anyway

Having a website that provides value to customers is an important factor in attracting and retaining them. It is important to Identify your target audience: Knowing your target audience will help you create content and features that are relevant and appealing to them. Use high-quality images and videos: Visual content can help engage visitors and make your website more visually appealing.

Make it easy for customers to contact you: Providing multiple ways for customers to get in touch, such as a contact form or live chat, can help build trust and make it easier for them to do business with you.

Benefits That SEO Brings

UXO/SEO has been recognized as a powerful, important, and reasonably priced internet marketing strategy. Although there are numerous advantages to a good UXO/SEO strategy, we have highlighted three for you in the hopes that you will understand why UXO/SEO is so important. 

Use UXO and SEO to increase organic traffic

Increased organic traffic

High positions on the pages of search results bring the most organic traffic, and UXO/SEO optimization of the site is what will allow you to do this. “Organic Traffic” is traffic to your website that you are not paying for (other than creating a great optimized website (Not ad spend)).  Many users skip the paid ads and immediately go to the organic results of the search.  By properly building your UXO/SEO you can get your target market to your website, and even your product sales pages. 

Have your customers find you

UXO/SEO Searches allow you to be a solution to a client when they need you.  The old Yellow Pages are gone (Phone Book), and even if you are a bricks and mortar store, your customers are using Google search to find you. And, yes, you want to be found.  It’s a good thing to have Paid Ads on the search result lists that lead to sales, but you need to rank high on the organic search as well. 

SEO and UXO will help your customer to find you
Boost Your Brand Awareness with good SEO and UXO

Online Business Credibility and Brand Awareness  

Being near the top of the Google search gives your company (and brand) credibility.  Closely related to Google Search is “Google My Business”.  This is the Google search attached to Google Maps and is also searched by the main Google Search.  Your presence using both, Maps and Search, increases your result on both platforms as does adding in location, reviews, hours of operation, and other content. 

You Can Expect More Profit

Searches rarely go the second page, unless they are looking for something very specific and the first page did not provide the answers they were looking for.  Of course, ideally you want to be the first place in the organic section (after the ads).  Because of UXO, Google is presenting the best answer to the search question, in its opinion based on all the data input including the user experience of past users going to those pages. 

Good Seo and UXO will bring you more profit

Faq about UXO/SEO

How UXo helps SEO?

Through the various metrics that search engines use to track user engagement, UXO has a direct and powerful impact on your SEO rankings. It assists you in understanding how users engage with and interact with your website by taking into account factors such as page speed, mobile responsiveness, menu/header layout, and URL structure.

What is UX in SEO?

UXO (user-experience optimization) is now an important component of SEO (search engine optimization). Search engines no longer solely evaluate web pages based on keyword usage. Instead, in order to rank highly in organic search engine results, a website must understand user intent and provide a rich user experience.

Is SEO worth it for small business?

Even if you choose to invest money in SEO, if the marketing campaign is well-planned, the ROI can more than double. So, the short answer is that SEO is valuable for any small business, including those that do not operate online.

Should I pay someone to do SEO?

Should you hire an SEO company or do it yourself? When it comes to search engine optimization, the process can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. When customers conduct a web search, an SEO expert or agency can assist in ensuring that your website is one of the first resources to appear in the search results.
