Get Your Free Website
Audit Valued at Over $497!
This Website Audit will scan your website and give a report of all the things that your site does well, and the things that could be improved.
Let's work together to map your digital strategy into the future.
First, review the funding criteria with a qualified advisor and determine whether you qualify, and which stream would be best for your business.
Complete your application with the help of an Awareness Strategies Digital Advisor who can help maximize your funding and the likelihood of approval.
Review your operations, current technology, and business strategy. So that we can identify where you can benefit from digital transformation — and what to prioritize.
Find platforms and capabilities that will support your budget and business objectives — and create a cost/benefit analysis of your top options.
Together we design a comprehensive digital strategy with steps, timelines, and resources required to achieve your near- and long-term transformational objectives. Again, this isn't a sales pitch or a proposal. Your Roadmap will be a living working document that itemizes each step of the way. In addition, you and your advisor will work together in order to ensure that these are your goals and dreams woven in with best practices; the best technology available for your needs and the human resources required to reach each new level. This will be your business playbook for the next five years
Start the process and book an appointment with our Chief Information Officer Brad.